Think FTW Before Talking Shrimp with Laura Belgray

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Too obvious. 

C’mon. You think I want you to Think FTW before Talking Shrimp with Laura Belgray because I charge nearly to-the-penny 10% of her fees?

Because a Power Hour w/Belgray will run you $1,450 and an Essential Strategy Session with me a mere $149.00? 


Does that mean, then, that your skill and ability to help entrepreneurs with copywriting

is merely 10% of Belgray’s? 


How ‘bout a wiseass answer to the smartass question? 

Our differing rates does mean that, unlike Laura & her husband, the closest I’ve yet come to waltzing about the Hamptons is while driving my kiddos to school singing Social House, “… dancing ‘Handshakes in the Hamptons’ and gettin’ drunk in the mansions with you ...”

MORE SO, it means that while Belgray works with clients who are able to afford $1,450 kind-of-hours, I’m more of a Johnny Cash kind of copywriter. The Man in Black said, “I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, living on the hopeless, hungry side of town.”

Personally, I’ll be damned if offering strategy & simply throwing a line can’t straight up save a flailing entrepreneur — my Essential Session is that line. Sometimes, with a slice of copywriting clarity & professional direction, They. Might. Make. It. (And still be able to put food on their plate, if you’re the 99% who worry about that kind of thing.) 

So, wait. Ooooh. Are you and Belgray, like,

financially fated somehow, connected by cash,

some kinda 10% twisted sisters?


Well, I mean, I suppose if you must associate me & Belgray in your mind as some kind of star-crossed, rags & riches, soul sisters, then hot dayamn. 

Because Laura Belgray, by me, is like her bangs — straight as hell. 

Her story, her empire, her path to prosperity is what defines: Take Notes. Belgray is a megastar copywriter who circles with other stars while throwing down combo-courses & cures and bellowing B SCHOOL, but she’s got her own show going on, don’t mistake. Her case study where she disclosed behind-the-scenes of her fierce, fresh, bish-set-the-bar-high rebrand made me feel faint in good way.


Listen, Laura Belgray is the bombdotcom

I sincerely wish I had $1 for every time I’ve been asked, “Have you ever heard of Laura Belgray {she’s really successful and you might wanna order what she’s having}?” And the reason I want you to Think FTW before Talking Shrimp with Laura Belgray is, indeed, connected to her $1,495 Power Hour — which, by the way, she no longer even offers, period — but not in an upfront, obvious kind of way.

What you’ve got to understand is this: Belgray could charge holy-hell-high (when she still took on clients) because she doesn’t really want to talk with you and she’s not actually interested in being your copywriter. She doesn’t want to be slingin’ words in the trenches beside you as your WingWoman Copywriter, making sure your website wows and your sales copy sells. 

Belgray makes no secret of the fact that she’d much prefer

helping you better your own writing skills {Buy Her Courses}

by emailing you & shootin’ the shit {Buy Her Courses}

and Talking Shrimp about {Buy Her Courses}

buying her helpful courses.  

At Feel These Words, I’m a 1:1 copywriting service provider; Talking Shrimp is a product-based business empire that’s run by Laura Belgray (who’s straight as hell like her beautiful bangs). And while we all kinda want to be Laura when we grow up someday, for now until maybe forever, I’ll continue right in the trenches writing for & with fantastic women business owners.


I need you to think FTW before Talking Shrimp with Laura Belgray because of a Talking Shrimp Training/Booming Course of Belgray’s: INBOX HERO.

Belgray’s words, her copy, “Want to write emails that get your subscribers opening, clicking, drooling and BUYING?”

My words: Hell yes you do! You want to write the emails that sell all your — ooh, and you totally need to know “33 Subject Lines that Get Opened Every Time”, too, so your people will actually open your delicious Inbox Hero emails — and you’re gonna BE the hero, and, and and! 

Breathe … think FTW first followed directly by FTW free.

Before “33 subject lines” or how to write emails that get your subscribers opening, clicking, drooling and BUYING”, you’ve got to get subscribers.

You need people to OPT-IN so you can send your heroic emails to them in their inbox. 

Think FTW {Free Opt-in Formula} before

Talking Shrimp with Laura Belgray. 

Because here’s the thing: No matter how knock-down, badass and uber helpful your lead magnet offering is (or your fabulous subject lines and save-the-day emails you heroically send), if you don’t know what to write in the little boxes that collect emails from your peopleYour Opt-in Copy — you may be hearing crickets where there could be connection & letting subscribers and sales slip by. 

Let’s fix that.

  • The gateway between a one-time passerby and a lifelong customer: your opt-in(s).

  • The only place that any & all email communication and crucial ongoing connections begins: your opt-in(s).

  • Learn the FTW Opt-in Formula (or how to copywrite opt-ins that tickle the psychological reasons people take action & click!) for FREE. 


Because straight-talk like Laura’s bangs: The conversion is in the connection; relationships are the bottom line in business; and Hamptons kind of money? You need subscribers.